Sunday, February 1, 2009

Wife not around - Things to do!! ;)

Its been close to a month now since R went off to the "land of opportunities" leaving behind a bunch of bills and payments I need to make every month!! Having realized her childhood dreams of a stamped visa and international travel R is currently merrily freezing in the cold of upper northern hemisphere while I sit around in south of india writing stupid blogs like these !! :D

Things to do: My top 4

1) Sleep - Morning, noon and night: This is a no holds barred for me. On a normal weekend with R around, I would be mortally scared to doze off on a lazy saturday afternoon coz she likes people to be active. Now c'mon... 5 days out of 7 we slog out 15 hrs a day.. thats like >70% hard work through the week.. thats as active as one could possibly be. So open the doors to dreamland whenever you want and become a storehouse of energy!!
2) Start a health regime: The less i comment on this the better. Though in some casea it could work fine. With R not around there's hardly any mood to indulge in the delicacies of the world.. so its ghar ki dal roti all the way. Sure will help me lose some of the 16kgs fat which i supposedly have as protection around me as per my gym instructor!! Its been a forced regime for me :(
3) Bachelor party : Well, this is something which dawned on me a little late. Get in touch with all your friends who had gone missing since the time you got married. They will barrage you with the choicest of expletives when you make that first call but then friends are friends.:) Soon, one will become two , two three and then many :) Pubs which used to be my den years back are suddenly again "thee places" for friday nites. Maiden, GnR, Floyd still rule the roost there and I was pleasantly surprised that my head-banging skills havent waned a whole lot..So hick hick.. cheers..
4) Hone your Phone skills :And finally, get a voip or configure your skype coz talking on the phone with your better half is the most enjoyable part. The love that gets showered on you will be amazing ... At times you might feel unsure if its the same person you are talking too.. All your stupidities become intelligence.. your laziness becomes cute and even your hoarse voice sounds sweet over the phone... Maybe the BSNLs and Airtels of the world filter voice differently for international calls.. :) Feel like a complete man@telephone...

There are a whole bunch of other things that you may do: Work late in office, join a language class, learn to make cocktails or just sit and sulk for her to come back. I put in my top 4.. please share yours if you are in the same boat...

P.S: I really miss R a hell lot. But America needs her. Barrack this one is for you mate. Cheers!!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Am on ....

Its been close to 2 yrs since I have been trying to blog!! Having created and forgotten numerous logins I hope to set things right this time round... not that mankind was losing out on anything without me on the blogoshphere. It has taken me a good 1 hr to configure this blog page and i now realize how internet-challenged I have been. Surfing cricinfo, yahoomail and loads of google surely hasn't gotten me too far on the world wide web and its offerings. I often hear colleagues talk about the latest features on IE, mozilla and most recently Google Chrome and i can but only gape open-mouthed at my complete disconnect. Hang on.. why the hell did i write the last few lines.. i was supposed to introduce my blog now... actually this is what it will be.. random, well ordered thoughts about self, my foodie wife and people around me. The next i need to figure out is how to get google ads configured on my blog.. seems one can make a few cents there and any money is good money when times are as bad as now.... Cheers to my 1st post and everyone who stumbles on this blog and is patient enough to read it !!